We’re a team of creative problem-solvers committed to driving change one step at a time. Our mission? To empower small business. As a small business ourselves, we’re motivated to help you achieve peace of mind and control over the chaos that comes with running a business.
We leverage, challenge, and rely on each other to reach our goals together.
We're creative problem solvers. We work within constraints to attack problems with inspiring ideas.
We treat people like real people. We're understanding, flexible, and we build trust with each other and our customers.
To continually improve, we must be focused on learning and applying what we learn.
We take the initiative to drive the change we want to see. We trust in each other's skills to execute.
A family man and deep thinker that loves to build things.
Alykhan Jetha
Joined: 1BMC
Family. Software. Travel. Cooking. Fitness.
Michael Clark
Joined: 1999
I am unable to quit, as I am currently too legit.
Megan Roininen
Operations Manager
Joined: 2016
Lover of dogs, coffee, glitter, and sequins. Dislikes capital letters, but falls in line and uses them anyways.
Jacqueline Dawe
Partner Coordinator
Joined: 2021
Part time Astronaut and Shredded Cheese expert. Keeps it casual.
JD McKenzie
Director of Customer Success
Joined: 2012
Leaf fan first, sports fanatic second. A true child at heart.
James Spencer
Customer Success Specialist
Joined: 2007
I realized that my horse-riding ability was not a skill - it was ALWAYS about my 4-legged partner's mood - on that day.
Hazel Bernez
Customer Success Agent
Joined: 2023
I am the king of awkward.
Joshua Stevens
Engineering Escalations Support
Joined: 2019
Aspires to expand her horizons to travelling to new places.
Carolyn Vitale
Sales Team Manager
Joined: 2011
Loves all things sports, travelling, and his dog.
Tanner Martin
Sales Coordinator
Joined: 2022
Bug hunter, frequent coffee consumer, and avid documentary watcher.
Aaron Baldeo
QA Specialist
Joined: 2009
Loves to take pictures & enjoys being on a computer.
Adam Tharani
Platform Developer
Joined: 2015
Big fan of the Oxford comma.
Charles Joseph
Software Development Manager
Joined: 2021
Has a love–hate relationship with coffee.
Eric V
Software Developer
Joined: 2016
Used a Mac since before it was cool. Designated cake cutter. Not too old for Lego.
Fraser Kuyvenhoven
Lead of Product & Design
Joined: 2008
Too loyal to and my daily protein intake.
Ilyas Yurdaon
Software Developer
Joined: 2022
Loves learning new languages.
Irene Chiu
QA Specialist
Joined: 2010
My favourite novel reading of the last two years was The Silmarillion.
Jesse Masci
Joined: 2015
Prolific disassembler of things and maker of a few.
Jordan Valadas
Software Developer
Joined: 2010
Likes food but is not a foodie. Enjoys games and the outdoors.
Kerry Toonen
Software Developer
Joined: 2016
A prince wanted me to have his inheritance. I told him to instead donate it to a worthy cause. He told his friends and now I keep getting emails of that nature.
Sean Mendonca
QA Manager
Joined: 2007
Husband. Dad. LEGO collector since 1982.
Sebastien Boisvert
Sr. Software Developer
Joined: 2007
Jumped from 4000ft. Would do it again.
Steve B
Principal Software Developer
Joined: 2019
Once spent 4 hours in an Internet cafe to win a digital camera.
Tim Tisdall
Software Developer
Joined: 2021