The Phoenix Technology Group LLP

Consulting Fort Wayne, IN


Located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, The Phoenix Technology Group is a technology consulting firm for small to medium-sized businesses and not-for-profit agencies - providing innovative information technology solutions that help clients address challenges, increase efficiency, productivity and ease of use. Our clients range from residential clients, to law firms, medical and dental practices, to small businesses, government agencies, elementary and middle schools.

What made you realize you wanted to improve your invoicing process?

Being a small company consisting of three staff members, we started out using MS Office and iWorks suites (Word/Page, Excel/Numbers) but realized we needed something we could incorporate into Daylite, which our business revolves around. We live, breathe and eat Daylite.

Was there an aspect of your previous invoicing process that you found daunting?

While using Microsoft Word and iWorks Pages in designing and printing our invoices, we lacked consistency in regards to layout and designed several layouts before selecting our current one, which in a way is still a work-in-progress. As a technology consulting firm we needed something that worked and looked professional from the get-go without having to fuss too much with the design or composition. Billings Pro fills that need.

What feature(s) in Billings Pro drew you in initially?

We like that it's made by Marketcircle, the same people that makes Daylite. As stated earlier, our business revolves around Daylite. To have a billing software that acts more as an extension of Daylite, look and feel like Daylite, and created by the same developer, makes it that much more enjoyable to use. Even the icons and interface are very similar. With the click of a mouse button all our contacts are easily accessible that we otherwise may have had to recreate, or not be compatible, had we used another application.

How did Billings Pro and/or Billings Pro Touch improve your workflow and increase productivity?

Its seamless interface and adaptability to work with Daylite let's us concentrate more on our day-to-day operations in dealing with our clients and projects that otherwise would have been spent on invoicing. With its integration into Daylite, it allows us to think of it as an extension of Daylite, rather than another application used to fill out tedious details with numbers and figures. We simply call up the client's information and start, or stop, the timesheet and be able to generate an invoice before we even leave the client's site.

Describe how Billings helped you to earn more revenue with your business.

Because it works so seamlessly with Daylite, we spend less time coordinating client information into a billable time software. Everything we need is presented in a simple, accessible layout. From switching windows and views, to creating new billable time sheets or invoices for new or existing clients, is very intuitive. It's all there.